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for loops allow to iterate over a list of items and render them in your template.


for loops can appear in two forms:

  • Inside the HTML attribute ep-for
  • Inside <template> tags

Both syntaxes are valid and can be used interchangeably.

Usage inside the ep-for attribute

The ep-for attribute can be used to loop through a list of items and render them.


  • Data Sources are directly accessible in the template using the data object.
  • All children of an element using the ep-for attribute are evaluated by Liquid. There is no need to use the ep-bind attribute inside the children.
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Loop through the list of links an repeat the <li> element
      <li class="flex items-center gap-3" ep-for="link in data.links">
        <a class="flex-1 p-2.5" href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a>

Usage inside <template> tags

Loop through your Data Sources using the {% for %} tag.


  • The {% for %} tag must be enclosed in a <template> tag.
  • Data Sources are directly accessible in the template using the data object.
  • Inside <template> tags, all Liquid expressions are evaluated. There is no need to use the ep-bind attribute inside any children.
<!DOCTYPE html>
     The for loop must be enclosed in a <template> tag!
      {% for link in data.links %}
        <li class="flex items-center gap-3">
          <a class="flex-1 p-2.5" href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
      {% endfor %}
import z from "zod";
import { defineDataSources } from "";

// Define an internal data source that will be used
// in the template as a list of links
export const datasources = defineDataSources({
  links: {
    // Label of the data source that will be displayed in the Upstart Editor
    name: "Links",
    // Schema of the data source (using zod)
    schema: z.array(
        title: z.string(),
        url: z.string().url(),
        icon: z.string().optional(),
    // Sample data that will be used during development
    // or when first loaded in the Upstart Editor
    sampleData: [
      { title: "Enpage", url: "" },
      { title: "Google", url: "" },
      { title: "Benj", url: "" },

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