Youtube Data Source
The Youtube data source allows you to fetch information about a Youtube video or playlist.
Youtube Video Data Source
Used to display a single video from Youtube.
import { defineDataSources } from "";
// Define an external data source that will be used
// in the template as a list of videos
export const datasources = defineDataSources({
mainVideo: {
// Label of the data source that will be displayed in the Upstart Editor
name: "Homepage Video",
// use the built-in youtube-video provider
provider: "youtube-video"
Youtube Playlist Data Source
Used to display a list of videos from a Youtube playlist.
import { defineDataSources } from "";
// Define an external data source that will be used
// in the template as a list of videos
export const datasources = defineDataSources({
videos: {
// Label of the data source that will be displayed in the Upstart Editor
name: "My Videos",
// use the built-in youtube-playlist provider
provider: "youtube-playlist"