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Instagram Data Source

The Instagram data source allows you to fetch photos and videos from a public Instagram accounts or hashtags.

Instagram Feed


Add the instagram-feed data source to your enpage.config.js file.

import { defineDataSources } from "";

export const datasources = defineDataSources({
  // Define a data source named "myfeed" using the "instagram-feed" provider
  myfeed: {
    name: "Instagram Feed",
    provider: "instagram-feed",
    options: {
      // Instagram username or hashtag
      username: "",
      // Number of posts to fetch
      limit: 10



The schema displayed below is for reference only. It does not need to be included in your project.

import { Type, type Static } from "@sinclair/typebox";

export const instagramFeedSchema = Type.Object({
  data: Type.Array(
      id: Type.String(),
      caption: Type.String(),
      timestamp: Type.String(),
      media_url: Type.String(),
      permalink: Type.String(),
      media_type: Type.Union([Type.Literal("IMAGE"), Type.Literal("VIDEO"), Type.Literal("CAROUSEL_ALBUM")]),
  paging: Type.Object({
    cursors: Type.Object({
      before: Type.Optional(Type.String()),
      after: Type.Optional(Type.String()),
    next: Type.Optional(Type.String()),

export type InstagramFeedSchema = Static<typeof instagramFeedSchema>;

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