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JSON Data Source

The json data source can be used to fetch data from a JSON endpoint/API.


Add it to your enpage.config.js file


You can reference the attributes of the template in the the url and headers properties. This way, you can pass dynamic values to your API and have the site owner configure them in the Upstart Editor. Use the notation {{ attr.attributeName }} to reference an attribute.

import { defineDataSources, ds } from "";

export const datasources = defineDataSources({
  // Define a data source named "todos" using the "json" provider
  todos: {
    name: "Todo API",
    provider: "json",
    options: {
      // URL of the API
      url: "",
      // HTTP headers
      headers: {
        // Here you can use attributes from the template
        Authorization: "Bearer {{ attr.authToken }}"
    // (Optional) JSON schema of the data source (here declared using Typebox)
    schema: ds.Array(
        id: ds.Number(),
        title: ds.String(),
        completed: ds.Boolean(),



There is no predefined schema for the json data source. You can define your own schema based on the JSON structure returned by the API.

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